We run the following clinics:
- CHD (Coronary Heart Disease)
- Asthma Clinics
- Respiratory/COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
- Diabetes Clinic
- NHS Health Check
Medical Services
We provide a full range of medical services including:
- CHD clinic
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Gynaecology / Contraception
- Travel
- Child Health Surveillance / Immunisation
This practice follows the national policy for childhood immunisation. Further information can be found on the NHS Immunisation Schedule.
New additions to Schedule
Cervical Cancer can be caused by human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 - recently the HPV vaccination has been introduced into the schedule for girls aged 12 to 13.
Up to date details on the current range of Meningitis vaccinations.
Tetanus & Polio
Protection against tetanus and polio should be kept up to date. A full primary course with a booster at 15 years of age should be followed by at least two boosters at 10 year intervals to protect throughout life.
Annual protection against influenza is offered to patients aged 65 and over and those at high risk, e.g., with chronic heart, chest and breathing disorders, and diabetes.